Strong Women

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I’ve been reflecting on origin stories — both the ones that we tell and the ones that we don’t [yet]. I realize that I reflect a bit too much on the absurdities and hardships of my origin story, and not enough on the blessings.

As I learn the origin stories of others, and reflect on my blessings, I recognize the truly unique gift of my story. I always had people who believed in me — even when (especially when) I wasn’t sure I could believe in myself.

From my earliest memories, I never doubted my own potential because the strong women in my life made it clear to me that I was unique, capable and worthy. At the time I had no idea just how special this gift was, and how few people experience this kind of unwavering support, but to say it is THE core of what I bring to the world is not an understatement.

I have important gifts, and I believe that it is my responsibility to leverage them to improve the lives of others.

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OG Meg squad — My sister and my mom

Being a champion for others is the fuel that maximizes potential in both the near and the long term. I was taught this from the strong women who raised me.

So please remember to thank your squad — those people who remind you of what you are capable of and be the person who helps others believe in their own potential. The future we are building will be brighter the more that we support each other.

Cross post

Women In Tech


I’m privileged to often be asked to speak about Women in Tech.

In the era where the gap of women in technology is growing, I am happy to lend my voice to this conversation.  I love to highlight the accomplishments of my team and my company.  How we are transforming our own business, to help our customers leverage the cloud, to drive up innovation and customer centricity.

I can talk about that forever.  Seriously, keep the Oscar music volume option handy or I may never stop.

It’s also nice to remind people that technology is an industry that benefits from diversity and that #LifeAtOracle is pretty great.  It is my not-so-secret objective, to encourage more women and girls feel welcome in this industry.  Tech has been great to me, it has given me the opportunity to use my passion for innovation and given me a career of purpose and impact.

Huge thanks to TheCube #WomenInTech series and @JeffFrick for inviting me to share my story and do my part to pay it forward.

Interview Here

Cross Post: LinkedIn

Ode to women in STEM for Ada Lovelace Day 2013

women in STEM

As background — Ada Lovelace Day is a call to action to help fight invisibility of women in STEM.

The idea: We need to have more visible role models of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math so that girls can imagine themselves in those roles, thus  increasing the number of girls in these fields.  We need this to happen not just for social justice but for the economic growth.

Women in STEM fields have a huge impact on the global economy and are a critical resource to help solve the most complex problems we face in the 21st Century.

You should read more about that here:

Ada Lovelace Day 2013: fight the invisibility of women in STEM!

October 15 2013 will be the fifth annual Ada Lovelace Day, an international celebration of the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths. Ada Lovelace Day is about sharing stories of women — whether engineers, scientists, technologists or mathematicians — who have inspired you to become who you are today. The aim is to create new role models for girls and women in these male-dominated fields by raising the profile of other women in STEM.

You can participate in Ada Lovelace Day by attending Ada Lovelace Day Live! in London; attending one of the more than 20 other worldwide events; or by writing about a woman in STEM whose work has inspired you, publishing the story on October 15, and adding it to the Ada Lovelace Day story collection.

My Contribution to #ALD13

I am taking it upon myself to compile a list of the women on twitter who inspire me in and around #STEM, and to ask for your help in expanding it, either by reminding me of who I missed*, or introducing me to people I need to know.

I want to be someone who helps bring more people to the front to stand out as role models.  I realize that many of us downplay our ability and responsibility to be a role model for others and I want to suggest if not you than who?

#STEM Power Brokers

Women who are CXOs leading the charge.

#STEM Industry Movers

Women who make the industry work.  Ladies in Innovation, Product Management, Marketing, Program Management, Press/ Analyst/ Partner Relations

#STEM Builders and Makers

Women in Engineering, Science, Technology who are builders, Doers, Leaders and Makers.

I encourage you each to contribute to causes like Ada Lovelace Day recognizing not just the big names, but the breadth and depth of contributions that are happening today to bring forward the power of women to benefit our world.

*All Feedback welcome including additional categories I need to add and/or move

My inclusive commitment to feminism


Given that this week included women’s equality day, I decided it was time to write a blog I’ve been thinking about for some time.

It is my firm belief that for women to begin to #ChangeTheRatio we have to get past the petty discussions of whether multi-tasking is a feminine capability and what a leader looks like.

We must cease with the competitive male-bashing approach and make inclusion part of our overall solution.  We need men and women working together to solve the very real gender equality issue.

This problem is not going to be resolved by just encouraging women to develop new skills and it certainly is not going to be resolved by women continuing to complain about those skills that men are missing (and rewarded for anyway).

We must do more and demand more.

Every one of us.

We all need to stand up and speak out and we need to do our part and hold each other accountable.  I plan to be an active part of the solution to this problem.

Here are some great examples of what is happening to move this topic forward

For myself, my plan is to support all women working to achieve their full potential, and celebrate men supporting them.  As a mother of two smart and capable daughters, I have no choice.  They are watching me and expecting me to make their opportunities greater than my own (as those who came before have done for me).

Our world needs more women in leadership.

Our future demands it.

Feminism is not the absence of men, it is the inclusion of women, we can and must use all of our available talents to lead by example.

What about you? What is your plan?